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40.7128° N, 074.0060° W

Generation Citizen

Kick Start Action Civics is an online civics education platform that partners with teachers at low income and underfunded schools to bring local civics engagement to life in the classroom.

Generation Citizen website
Generation Citizen videosKickstart Action Civics thumbnail

Project Overview

Generation Citizen wanted to create an online course for educators to learn the ins-and-outs of teaching Action Civics in the classroom.

Houston was brought in to handle branding and design for the marketing site and course curriculum, as well as providing strategic support to help the team reach their sign-up goals.

OUr solution

  • Branding, discovery and design for a marketing site to inform and inspire educators about the benefits of enrolling in the course.
  • Theming and design for a Teachable-based course to guide students through the program.
  • Content strategy for course creation and marketing site.
Generation Citizen mobile layouts
Generation Citizen mobile
34.8526° N, 082.3940° W

Your mission is critical.